Guidelines for Article Contributions

Methods of Article Contributions

All article contributions should be submitted in the electronic format in the following methods:

  1. via e-mail (as mail messages or as attached documents or files); or
  2. via ftp (In this case, you need to contact the Editor for an ftp address, username and password.)

If you use a form-capable web browser like Netscape or Mosaic, you may send your contributions to us by clicking HERE. If you do not have ready access to a form-capable web browser, just send your article to via email. If your article is too long for your email system to handle, try to send it in separate parts or as an attached document or file to your email message.

Article Length

In contrast with the traditional print journal, our e-journal does not impose limitation to the article length. In other words, our authors don't need to confine their thought to the arbitrary limit of a fixed space.

Reference Style

Critical Review of Library & Information Science Literature: an International Electronic Journal (CRLISL) adopts the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (4th ed.) for its reference style, with the following modifications:

  1. spell out the first or given name of the author, rather than using the initial letter;
  2. use quotation marks to cite an article in a journal or chapter in an edited book;
  3. italicize rather than underline the title of a book or a journal.

Examples for print sources:

Examples for electronic sources:

Created 12/1/95.
Last modified 4/13/97 by Webmaster.